Register to Vote
The university encourages all students and employees, regardless of political affiliation, to participate in the electoral process and let your voices be heard.
Register and Vote
Here or there?
Should you register to vote in DC or your hometown?
The law allows you to register to vote in your college town or your hometown, but NOT both! The decision about registering to vote in your hometown or your college town is legally yours to make.
Some students decide to register to vote in their home state because they have a personal and invested interest in their respective districts and states. Other students choose to register where they attend school because that is where they live most of the year and they want to influence decisions and elect candidates they feel will have a positive impact on their university community.
Regardless of your decision to register in Washington, DC or your home state, the most important thing is that you REGISTER and VOTE.
Barack Obama
President of the United States
Howard University 2016 Commencement
When we don’t vote, we give away our power, disenfranchise ourselves -- right when we need to use the power that we have; right when we need your power to stop others from taking away the vote and rights of those more vulnerable than you are -- the elderly and the poor, the formerly incarcerated trying to earn their second chance.
So you got to vote all the time, not just when it’s cool, not just when it's time to elect a President, not just when you’re inspired. It's your duty.