Students must complete the Certification Request each semester to be certified. Changes and updates (course schedule, work study, scholarship funds etc...) should be reported using the Update Survey below.
Office of Military & Veterans Services (OMVS)
The Office of Military & Veterans Services (OMVS) provides support for all military-connected students and their families including veterans/prior service, active duty, reservists, National Guard, ROTC, retirees, spouses, children and supporters in their educational goals.
Acting as liaison between the US Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) and the University, we assist with the processing of federal Veteran Affairs (VA) education benefits, certify enrollments to the VA, advise on procedural requirements, and provide a cultural resource for military-connected students on campus.
How Can We Help?
Monday - Friday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Harriet Tubman Quadrangle (The Quad)
2455 4th Street NW, Lower Level
Washington, DC 20059
Phone 202-238-2422
Request To Use Your VA Benefits at HU
UPDATE Request - Spring 2025
Already asked to be certified but need to report changes for the term?
Spring 2025 UpdateUPDATE Request - Fall 2024
Already asked to be certified but need to report changes for the term?
Fall 2024 UpdateUPDATE Request - Summer 2024
Already asked to be certified but need to report changes for the term?
Summer 2024 Update RequestRequest to Use Your VA Scholarship
Office of Military and Veterans Services (OMVS)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Admissions & Enrollment
I'm a veteran or military student applying to go to Howard. Is there a special application process?
All prospective students use the same process for application regardless of veteran/military status. Howard University does not offer fee waivers for veterans/military. If you are interested in a particular program and wish to learn more about it, we recommend that you reach out to the Department and request more information:
- Undergraduate Admission: Some programs have additional requirements.
- All undergraduate programs are now closed for admission for Fall 2023.
- Graduate Admission
- Professional Admission
Why do I need to submit transcripts for my prior colleges/universities to Howard?
One of the criteria for approval of any school for Veterans' training is that it reviews prior credit and grant credit as appropriate to a VA student's current program. This is found in Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(C)(4). In essence, this requires every approved school to have and enforce a policy with regard to transfer courses, credits, and previous experience.
Please submit these official documents to the Howard University, Office of Admissions, in one of the following ways:
- Through an e-transcript system (e.g. Parchment, or the National Student Clearinghouse. If asked for the recipient’s email address, please provide -- highly preferred) to be officially considered for transfer credits. Note, student email submissions directly to the university are NOT accepted.
- Via mail (not preferred) in the original envelope from the institution which has remained sealed and unopened, please provide, or use the following address: Howard University, Attn: Transfer Services, 2400 6th Street NW, Suite 105, Washington DC, 20059
How do I join the ROTC as a student at Howard?
The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) are part of the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University. Please contact their respective programs below for more information:
· Air Force ROTC including Space Force
Students wishing to participate in Coast Guard College Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI) or Naval ROTC (including Marine Corps) can remain students at HU while participating in local programs for these branches.
Does Howard University accept Tuition Assistance?
Tuition Assistance is a way for active-duty service members and some reservists to receive tuition support while enrolled in classes. Howard is not currently eligible to accept Tuition Assistance, but the University hopes to be able to be reinstated in the future.
What financial aid is there for veterans/military-connected students at Howard?
ALL students should complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) which opens on October 1st every year for the next academic year. This information helps Howard University award you grants (money you don’t have to pay back!) that you may not know you are eligible for from the federal government as well as scholarships (money you don’t have to pay back!) through the Common Application and the University.
Additionally, if you scroll down our page, you will find a list of scholarships explicitly for veterans, service members, military spouses, and military children from a bunch of organizations that love to support military-connected students! Use our new Benefits & Schedules Updates Survey to report any scholarships you receive so we can celebrate with you!
Can I use FAFSA with VA benefits?
Yes! We STRONGLY recommend that you do because the VA has a tuition cap for what they cover at Howard which is less than the cost of tuition at the University. To see what the VA pays for each VA Education Benefit use the VA's online comparison tool.
Can I use scholarships with VA education benefits?
Yes! Use our new Updates Form to report any scholarships you receive so we can celebrate with you!
NOTE: Some scholarships that are solely for tuition and fees will be subtracted from Chapter 31 and 33 tuition and fee payments.
What if I must defer admission due to military service?
Make sure you complete all required forms for your admission to start the deferment process. Then, send an email with your full name, Howard ID, program/major so we can support your deferment request.
What if I must defer attendance due to military service?
Make sure you complete all required forms for your college and department to start the deferment process. Then, send an email with your full name, Howard ID, program/major so we can support your deferment request.
How do I request Enrollment Verification?
Enrollment verification is only available for enrolled students which means you must have a schedule for the term you need verified. You also need to determine whether you need a campus verification of enrollment or a specific form for the VA or the Department of Defense.
Campus verifications of enrollment are available through BisonWeb for all enrolled students.
VA forms must be requested via by the STUDENT. The two forms used by our office are the form VBA-21-674b-ARE (School Attendance Report) or the CHAMPVA School Enrollment Certification Letter.
How do I waive the Student Health Insurance Fee?
Please proceed to the following website and upload your proof of insurance by September 30th every year for new students in fall and continuing students. Students in admitted in the spring will have a spring deadline.
How do I request academic and/or housing accommodations through the Office of Student Accessibility?
The earlier you request accommodations, the better! You can request accommodations for multiple conditions at the University by going to the website below:
Howard University Office of Student Accessibility
NOTE: A physician's documentation is required. Veterans/prior service with a federal VA disability rating can start by submitting their full ratings letter from the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA).
What is FERPA?
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student (“eligible student”). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.
- OMVS will communicate directly with the student concerning all aspects of their student file including certification to the VA.
Why do I have to email the general email inbox? Why can't I send my email directly to OMVS staff?
- If a staff member leaves HU, those student emails are then lost to other OMVS staff.
- As we add additional staff to OMVS (yay!), all staff have access to which will get you the fastest response!
-Why can't OMVS help with some of my questions?
- Since our office is NOT the federal VA, we do not have the answers to some of your questions and must refer you to the federal VA.
- The contact information for the VA is always right underneath OMVS contact information here on our website!
VA Education Benefits
What are the different benefits that can be used at Howard University?
Veterans and military-connected students can use a variety of different benefits. While a detailed list of all benefits can be found on the VA's website, below are some of the most used benefits and some information about each one. You must apply for each benefit through the VA and be issued a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) before you can use them at the University.
Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) beneficiaries generally receive a book stipend, a monthly housing allowance, and payment towards tuition and fees. You may also be eligible for tutoring assistance. They may also be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program under certain conditions. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
Chapter 33 – Transfer of Entitlement
Qualified dependents of active duty or Selected Reserve members may be able to transfer their Post-9/11 benefits under certain conditions. This right is exercised by the Department of Defense and they have the final say over whether benefits will be transferred. They may also be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program under certain conditions. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
Learn about the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship), a scholarship for children and spouses of certain Veterans. If your parent or spouse died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001, while serving in one of the Armed Forces, or was a member of the Selected Reserve who died from a service-connected disability, you may qualify for this benefit. They are also eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship
The Edith Nourse Rogers Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Scholarship allows some eligible Veterans and dependents in high-demand fields to extend their Post-9/11 GI Bill® or Fry Scholarship benefits for up to 9 months. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
Chapter 35 (DEA) beneficiaries receive a monthly housing allowance.
NOTE: Chapter 35 students may only switch to Chapter 33 within the same term per federal VA policy.
Chapter 1606 (Montgomery Selected Reserve) beneficiaries receive a monthly housing allowance. To continue receiving monthly payments, Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must report enrollment via WAVE.
Chapter 30 (Montgomery Active Duty) beneficiaries receive a monthly housing allowance. You may also be eligible for tutoring assistance. To continue receiving monthly payments, Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must report enrollment via WAVE.
Chapter 31 (VR&E) beneficiaries can receive a book & supplies voucher, tuition and fee support, a monthly stipend/housing allowance, and other support based on their VR&E counselor's recommendations.
When do we apply for benefits at Howard?
Using benefits at the University is called certification. An online Certification Request to ask for certification of benefits will be posted on this website prior to the end of the preceding semester. You should complete the online Certification Request as soon as you are enrolled in classes since you must confirm your enrollment for the online Certification Request. If you have any holds on your account, this may prevent you from enrolling in classes which will delay your certification. Some programs at the University are not approved by the VA for certification.
What is a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)?
After a student applies online for benefits and the VA approves it, the VA provides a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). This is necessary for the University to properly process your benefits. All students receiving benefits except Chapter 31 must have a COE on file. Chapter 31 students must ensure that their VR&E counselor has sent a Purchase Order (PO) to Howard for Tuition & Fees as well as to the Howard Bookstore (Barnes & Noble) for books and supplies.
If you need a replacement COE, you can use the new Ask VA tool online or call the VA Educational Benefits helpline at (888) 442-4551
How does certification for VA education benefits work?
Howard University follows a dual or two-step certification process (mandated by law). After each certification, the student will be sent an automated email to the email address provided by the VA system.
- Students will be certified before the beginning of the semester to ensure that the first payment is paid on time. Early certification will also ensure that students receiving Chapter 33 benefits will receive their book stipend and students using Chapter 31 will have access to their book voucher early. Students will receive a certification email from the VA system once they are certified.
- After add/drop, students will be certified again to confirm their registered hours and to enter their tuition and fees (for Chapter 31 & 33 students).
All stipends and Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) payments are sent directly to the bank account or address on file with the VA. You can always call the VA to discover where the payments are going. To continue receiving monthly payments, Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must report enrollment via WAVE. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
Helpful Hint: Make sure there are no holds far before registration time to ensure you get the classes you need. The VA will only recognize classes that contribute to your academic degree. Also, Chapter 33 students must be enrolled in at least one hybrid or on-campus hour to receive full MHA. Otherwise, they will only receive half the national average. Chapter 31 students should check with their VRE counselor about how online courses will impact their monthly stipend.
How do I take classes at another college/university as a HU student?
You MUST submit a fully approved and signed Transfer Course Petition from your academic department to
Currently, Consortium courses are NOT approved under VA policy and will not count towards your minimum units for full-time for VA Benefits. The VA is aware of this issue.
How much is my Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or stipend each month?
The VA offers an online comparison tool of all benefits that can be used at the University. You can see what your MHA and/or stipend will be using the tool.
Periodically, the government will update the amount of monthly payment for cost of living. You can check current rates for your chapter of benefit here.
When will we receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or stipend money for the semester?
Monthly payments begin the month after school starts if certification was requested in a timely manner. Please note that to ensure a timely disbursement of funds, students must submit the Certification Request for the semester for which they wish to be certified as soon as they are registered for classes. Certification can happen up to 60 days before the first day of class. Students who are certified late in the semester may experience a delay in their benefits. After students receive their initial payment, the VA will distribute their MHA and/or stipends each month for the prior month.
- Generally, you will be paid from the 1st to the 5th of the NEXT month after you are certified. However, the closer you certify to the end of the month, the more likely it will take the VA until the 2nd month to pay you. For example, you were certified on August 25th, generally you will not get paid until October 1st or after.
- How You Will Be Paid: The VA prorates your MHA for the actual days you are enrolled in school. For example, the fall semester starts in late August so you will receive around $700 (for Chapter 33) for August after September 1st (if you were certified by mid-August). You will receive the full amount for September, October, and November since you will be enrolled the full month. Then, you will receive a prorated amount for December again since classes end before the end of the month.
Chapter 33 students may receive a book stipend earlier than MHA. Chapter 31 students should have their books and supplies POs (vouchers) sent directly to the Howard Bookstore (Barnes & Noble) by their VR&E counselor.
For VA questions concerning MHA (Monthly Housing Allowance) or stipends, you can use the new Ask VA tool online or call the VA Educational Benefits helpline at (888) 442-4551. This is especially important if you need documentation about the amount of your MHA or stipend!
All stipends and Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) payments are sent directly to the bank account or address on file with the VA. You can always call the VA to discover where the payments are going. To continue receiving monthly payments, Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must report enrollment via WAVE. Chapter 33 must use report enrollment using monthly verification directly to the VA.
When will my Tuition and Fees be paid?
For Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 students, tuition and fees will be billed to the VA after the final add/drop/withdrawal date for main campus for each semester. For Chapter 33, there is a cap to the amount of tuition that the VA will pay per year on the VA’s online comparison tool.
We must verify that each student is still enrolled in the courses they reported for certification. If there have been any changes to your schedule, please officially drop a class through BisonWeb or your advisor. Then, notify us using our Certification Updates form in the "Request to Use Your VA Education Benefits or Scholarship at HU" section above as soon as you can.
Not all fees are covered by the VA and there is a VA tuition cap for private schools, so plan for this!
What fees are NOT covered by the VA?
The VA will not cover the late registration, late payment, housing, meal plan, and parking (Chapter 31 exception) fees.
All Chapter 31 and 33 students can avoid the late payment fee by completing the Certification Request BEFORE the add/drop date for the main campus.
Chapter 33 will pay student health insurance as long as the student has no other health insurance outside the University. You will be able to indicate this in the Certification Request.
Chapter 31 will cover parking as long as the VRE counselor has included it on the Purchase Order(PO) approval sent to OMVS.
How much will I still owe?
For Chapter 33 students, tuition and mandatory fees are covered up the amount of the VA tuition cap beginning with each fall semester (the academic year concludes every summer). This amount will be paid directly to the University. Generally, this means:
- For 100% beneficiaries, all of Fall semester's tuition and fees are covered
- For 100% beneficiaries, most of Spring semester's tuition and fees will be covered
- For most students, summer tuition will not be covered
For those that are eligible for Yellow Ribbon, there will still be a gap in coverage for Spring semester as 2022-2023 tuition and fees were raised.
For Chapter 31 students, tuition and mandatory fees are covered for every semester that is approved by your VA VR&E counselor. This amount will be paid to the University.
For all other VA education beneficiary students, you are responsible for ensuring that your debt to the University is paid.
***We strongly recommend ALL students complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) which opens on October 1st every year for the next academic year. If you continue scrolling on this webpage, you will also find scholarship opportunities for military-connected students.
Students and their families should calculate tuition and mandatory fees using the VA's online comparison tool, their E-Pay account, and the yearly Cost of Attendance for the University to anticipate how much they will still owe every semester.
What is the Yellow Ribbon program and does Howard participate in it?
The University is currently enrolled in the Yellow Ribbon program, and has now been expanded to all students for the 2022-2023 academic year. The amount of Yellow Ribbon is up to $4000 per academic year. Eligible students may receive less based on the amount of eligible tuition and fees remaining to be covered. Those who are eligible will be automatically enrolled by the Office of Military & Veterans Services. If any additional information is required, the student will be contacted directly by email.
The Yellow Ribbon program is a program that helps pay tuition and fees that VA education benefits and the University does not cover. While Chapter 33 benefits will pay all tuition and fees for public schools, there is a cap for private schools. Students are responsible for paying what Chapter 33 benefits do not. The Yellow Ribbon program is a program that schools can opt into that helps close that gap. Schools can elect to pay a certain amount (and the VA will match that amount) or the school can split the entire cost left over with the VA. The University currently offers up to $2000 for eligible students which the VA will then match. You can learn more about the Yellow Ribbon program and who qualifies here.
What if I apply for VA Education Benefits after the semester starts? What if I receive my COE after the semester starts?
- If you are approved by the VA, you will receive your COE (Certificate of Eligibility).
- Then, you will complete our Certification Request on our website and upload your COE into the survey. OMVS will not be able to certify your benefits until we receive your survey with your COE.
- Once you are certified, the VA will retroactively pay MHA (and any stipends, if eligible) to the bank account on file with the VA. The retroactive pay will be back to the first day of classes for the term.
- For Chapter 31 & 33, the VA will also pay directly to Howard University the percentage of tuition and mandatory fees for which you are eligible for the term. You will still owe any non-mandatory fees as well as any non-tuition charges as well as any tuition and mandatory fees over the cap covered by the VA.
To see what the VA pays for each VA Education Benefit use the VA's online comparison tool.
How do I change my Direct Deposit information for my MHA and/or stipend?
YOU must update your direct deposit with the federal VA. You can do so online or by calling (800) 827-1000.
How do I change my name or correct date of birth for my VA education benefits?
YOU must update your direct deposit with the federal VA. You can do so online or by calling (800) 827-1000.
What do I do if I want to change my benefit chapter?
Notify us using our Certification Updates form in the "Request to Use Your VA Education Benefits or Scholarship at HU" section above as soon as you can and upload your COE for your new chapter. You may need to verify this change with the federal VA.
What happens if I drop a class, or change my schedule?
First, officially drop a class through BisonWeb or your advisor.
Second, notify us using our Certification Updates form in the "Request to Use Your VA Education Benefits or Scholarship at HU" section above as soon as you can. The implications of dropping a class can vary based on your benefits.
- For all benefits, you should try to stay a full-time student.
- For undergraduate programs, full-time status means taking at least 12 units during the regular semester.
- For most graduate programs, full-time status means taking at least 9 units during the regular term.
- Graduate programs should notify the Office of Military & Veterans Services if their programs do not adhere to the 9-unit guideline.
- If you drop below full-time status, your benefits will change, and you will usually owe the VA money from the last date you attended class.
Here is some additional information on dropping classes, mitigating circumstances, and the 6-credit-hour exclusion.
What do I do if I need to withdraw completely from the university?
Complete the University’s Total Withdrawal procedure. Then, notify us using our Certification Updates form in the "Request to Use Your VA Education Benefits or Scholarship at HU" section above as soon as you can. The implications of dropping a class can vary based on your benefits. You will usually owe the VA money from the last date you attended classes.
Where do I go if I need help?
- For Howard University questions, you can email or call us at (202) 238-2422. Our staff encourages emails as they can access those anywhere!
- For VA questions concerning MHA (Monthly Housing Allowance) or stipends, you can use the new Ask VA tool online or call the VA Educational Benefits helpline at (888) 442-4551. This is especially important if you need documentation about the amount of your MHA or stipend!
- ‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"
VA Work Study
What is Work Study?
There are two different types of work study programs available to veterans and military-connected students.
- Federal Work Study is available through Howard University to all students who qualify. Qualification is based on your financial package and requires you to fill out a FAFSA. Any position through this office will be posted on Handshake with all other positions.
- VA Work Study is a tax-free education benefit for students using Ch. 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, or 1606 at the Washington, DC minimum wage. Howard University is a VA Work Study site. Students who qualify should review the job description, complete a VA Work Study application, and submit it via the Summer 2023 Certification Updates form.
If you meet the qualifications below, you may complete a summer VA Work Study application.
- You are enrolled for summer courses at ANY school approved for VA education benefits.
- If you are not enrolled at HU for Summer 2023, you are required to submit your summer schedule from the other school with your application via the Summer 2023 Certification Updates form.
- You are enrolled at least ¾ (or 75%) time.
- For undergraduate students, this means being enrolled in at least 4.5 units/credits for the summer.
- For graduate/professional students, this is usually determined by your program.
- OMVS must have their full-time summer enrollment number in writing from an administrator of the program.
- You must be using VA education benefits (Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, or 1606).
- Chapter 33 students must remember that summer tuition is not covered due to the VA tuition cap if their program costs the same or more than an undergraduate degree at HU. You will still receive the monthly stipend and will use up months of eligibility.
- Any Chapter 33 student who started in spring term or summer will be their first term of the year will have at least part of their summer tuition covered.
- Chapter 33 students must remember that summer tuition is not covered due to the VA tuition cap if their program costs the same or more than an undergraduate degree at HU. You will still receive the monthly stipend and will use up months of eligibility.
Military-Connected Scholarship Opportunities
This section of the website is reserved for scholarships that all military-connected students may find useful. If you learn of any that can be added, please email us!
Scholarships/Grants for Service Members and Veterans
AAPA Veterans Caucus Scholarships
AMVETS Natl Scholarship for Veterans
DAV Auxiliary Natl Educ Scholarship
Dolphin Scholarship Foundation
Fort Meade Officers Spouse’s Club Scholarships (members and dependents)
FRA Education Foundation Scholarship (Navy, Marine, Coast Guard)
Heroes Tribute Scholarship Program
Imagine America Military Award Program
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
MCA Chaplain Candidate Scholarship
Military Commanders Scholarship Fund
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Nat Board Cert Counselors Foundation Scholarships
Navy Seal Foundation (NSW personnel)
Pat Tillman Education Scholarship
Student Financial Aid Guide for Veterans
Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
Sons and Daughters Pearl Harbor Survivor Scholarship
War Veterans Scholarship - AFCEA
Scholarships for Dependents (Spouses and Children)
American Legion Legacy Scholarship
Children’s Scholarship Fund (Elementary School)
Daughters of the Cincinnati Scholarship
FINRA Found Mil Spouse Fellowship Program – Financial Counselor
- The is open to any dependent or spouse whose service member has either fallen or has a combined service-connected disability rating through the VA. This year's application closes on March 31, 2022.
Fort Meade Enlisted Spouses’ Club Scholarships for dependent children
Fort Meade Officers Spouse’s Club Scholarships (members and dependents)
- This is open to any child and spousal dependents of active or activated United States military personnel. This year's application closes on August 1, 2022 for programs between September 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023.
Hope for the Warriors Spouse/Caregiver
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (Marine; Navy Corpsman who served with Marine unit)
Military Officers Assoc of America
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (Navy/Marine)
Navy Seal Foundation (dependent of NSW member)
Noncommissioned Officer Association Scholarship
Pat Tillman Education Scholarship
Scholarships for Military Children
Additional information can be found by looking at PDF below including these opportunities above as well as other scholarships for minorities and databases:
Military-Connected Fellowship/Internship Opportunities
Several entities outside of Howard University reach out to engage with student veterans or share opportunities. In lieu of emailing each of these opportunities to all students, we put them on this announcement board.
- Guggenheim Partners will be hosting its 10th annual Veterans Transition Assistance Program and I would like to make contact with your veteran community to ensure that any potential applicants are made aware of this great opportunity. The firm will run a paid 10-week summer internship across several business lines that will provide exposure and experience in the financial services industry. You can find a link to the application portal here: VTAP 2022. Due March 30, 2022.
- CIBERVets creates an opportunity for veterans to transition to professional careers in International Business.
- Military Voices Initiative at StoryCorp is looking for people to partner with. This initiative provides a platform for veterans, service members, and their families to preserve their stories at the Library of Congress. We like to call it a message in a bottle floating into the hearts of future generations.
- The Veterans Curation Program (VCP) cares for Army Corps of Engineers at-risk archaeological collections while providing veterans with a bridge from military service into the public sector. To apply please visit:
- A Call for Veterans: The VA needs your help to better understand Loneliness in Veterans and Suicide Prevention for Veterans; study participation is voluntary and compensation is available.
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection is looking for veterans interested in internships and full time jobs:
- Madison Barber and Jovan Hernandez at Metropolitan State University of Denver are conducting a research study on student veterans and their experiences with veteran discrimination, sense of belonging on campus, academic success, and overall mental well-being. You can volunteer by clicking this link.
VA Legislative Policies
Howard University is approved by the VA to certify veterans' education benefits for approved undergraduate and graduate programs of study. The OMVS facilitates the certification of enrollment process for student to request VA benefits. The following is a list of the approved veteran benefits that are offered at Howard University: Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill ®, Chapter 31 - Veterans Readiness & Employment, Chapter 33 - Post 911 GI Bill®, Chapter 35 -Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) Program, Chapter 1606 - Montgomery GI Bill®, and the Yellow Ribbon Program. To learn more about these benefits visit
Howard University ensures the following regulations of administering VA education benefits:
• Except for dissertation and limited research courses, the VA will not pay for the student to repeat any course that is successfully passed.
• The school agrees to maintain a written record of previous education and training of veterans (and all eligible persons for veterans’ benefits) which clearly indicates that appropriate credit has been given by the school for previous education and training, with the training period shortened proportionately, and the student and the Department of Veterans Affairs so notified.
• ‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"
Pending Payment Compliance Statement in Accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e)
In compliance with Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e), Howard University has updated its academic regulations regarding participation of covered individuals in courses of education and the prohibition of assessment of penalties for those individuals related to delayed VA funding. Covered Individuals: A covered individual is any individual who is entitled to receive educational assistance under one of the following chapters: Veteran Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31) or Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) benefits.
To qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
• Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE): A certificate of eligibility can also include a Statement of Benefits obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes.
• Certification to Receive Veterans Benefits: Students must notify the Office of Military & Veterans Services each semester that they are ready to be certified. Failure to notify the office may result in classes not being certified and students may be dropped from their classes.
• Students must follow a Howard University College degree plan to receive their benefits. Students should meet with a counselor every semester for assistance in selecting courses.
Howard University will not impose any penalty, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to Howard University due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under Chapters 31 or 33 including:
• the assessment of late fees,
• the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other Howard University facilities, or
• the requirement that a covered individual secure additional or alternative funds.
Compliance Statement in Accordance with Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315942021-2022
In compliance with Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Howard University will update its academic regulations regarding participation of covered individuals in courses of education and will not enact policies that violate these laws. Covered Individuals under Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e): A covered individual is any individual who is entitled to receive educational assistance under one of the following chapters:Montgomery GI Bill ® (Chapter 30),Veteran Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31), Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33),Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) (Chapter 35), or Montgomery GI Bill ® - Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606)benefits.
Howard University will:
• Ensure each covered individual approves of the enrollment in a course by requiring each student to request certification every semester with the Office of Military and Veterans Services.
• Allow enrolled members of the Armed Forces, including reserve components and National Guard to be readmitted if such members are temporarily unavailable or must suspend enrollment by reason of serving in the Armed Forces.
• Accommodate short absences for such services in the Armed Forces provided that satisfactory academic progress is being made by the service members and reservists prior to suspending their studies.
Tax Exclusion for Veterans Education Benefits
If you serve or served in the military and are receiving Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits, the IRS excludes this income from taxation. Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, the authoritative source for all education tax matters, covers this tax exclusion. You can learn more about Veterans’ Benefits in chapter 1. Read below for a summary of the policy.
1. You must be serving or have served in the military.
2. You must be receiving VA education benefits.
There is no required action for you to receive the exclusion.
Payments you receive for education, training, or subsistence under any law administered by the VA are tax free. Don't include these payments as income on your federal tax return.
If you qualify for one or more of the education tax benefits discussed in Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, chapters 2 through 12, you may have to reduce the amount of education expenses qualifying for a specific tax benefit by part or all of your VA payments. This applies only to the part of your VA payments that is required to be used for education expenses.
Example: You have returned to college and are receiving two education benefits under the latest GI Bill: (1) a $1,534 monthly basic housing allowance (BHA) that is directly deposited to your checking account, and (2) $3,840 paid directly to your college for tuition. Neither of these benefits is taxable and you don't report them on your tax return. You also want to claim an American opportunity credit on your return. Your total tuition charges are $5,000. To figure the amount of credit, you must first subtract the $3,840 from your qualified education expenses because this payment under the GI Bill was required to be used for education expenses. You don't subtract any amount of the BHA because it was paid to you and its use wasn't restricted.
You may want to visit the VA website for specific information about the various VA benefits for education.
The Tax Information for Students webpage is an additional resource that provides links to a broader range of student-related tax topics.
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The Military-Connected Student Lounge is open during business hours Monday through Friday! Please make sure to call our office number 202-238-2422 or email for access
Meet the Team

Paris Le'Mond Adon, Ed.D.
Director of Student Services
Office of Military and Veterans Services
Katesha Goodson
Assistant Director, Office of Military & Veteran Services
Office of Military and Veterans Services
Deja Cousley
School Certifying Official
Office of Military and Veterans Services