Gender Inclusive-Housing
We welcome students of all gender identities and expressions.
Howard University is committed to providing an educational, living, and working environment that is welcoming, respectful, and inclusive of all members of the University community, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity.
The Office of Residence Life and University Housing at Howard University welcomes students of all gender identities and expressions and is committed to providing an equitable and inclusive community for all residents.
How can we help?
Office of Residence Life
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
2205 4th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20059
Gender inclusive housing is affirming and supportive of transgender, gender non-conforming, and ally students. Applicants who opt into gender inclusive housing will live with other applicants who have also opted into gender inclusive housing.
Gender-Inclusive Housing is only available in Bethune Annex, Howard Plaza Towers, and College Hall South.
To submit a GIH request, interested applicants must:
- Have a current housing assignment.
- Submit a Gender Inclusive Housing Request Form by the deadline.
All Howard residents must adhere to all University Housing policies in accordance to Student Code of Conduct and Community Standards, and the University’s (Interim) Title IX Policy on Prohibited Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence. We will expect students in gender inclusive housing to follow these policies and standards as well.
Applicants who choose to live in gender inclusive housing also agree to the following:
- Potentially live with someone of a different gender. Gender inclusive units may house students of all gender expressions and identities.
- All roommates and their guests must agree to ensuring an inclusive, affirming and comfortable living environment for all individuals .
- Residents will promote and use inclusive language within the gender inclusive unit. This includes, but is not limited to, referring to others by their correct pronouns.
- Residents understand they will be removed from the environment if they fail to abide by these standards.
The Gender-Inclusive Housing program was developed in cooperation with the LGBT Advisory Council.
The Office of Residence Life & University Housing will continue to collect data and review Gender Inclusive Housing at Howard University in order to ensure that this experience is in alignment with best practices.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will my roommate be? Can I room with my friends?
Your roommate will be anyone that has also opted into gender inclusive housing, regardless of their gender.
You will be able to find other people that also opted into gender inclusive housing.
How will vacancies be filled?
Vacancies will be filled from our wait list of other people who have opted into gender inclusive housing.
What happens if one of the roommates cancels their assignment or leaves mid-year?
All applicants must agree to live with others who have selected gender-inclusive housing and agree to follow all policies/procedures. Should an opening occur within the gender inclusive unit, the space will be filled by one of the following methods:
- Students in the unit will have 7 calendar days to notify the Office of Residence Life & University Housing of another roommate to fill the vacancy. This person must either be currently living on campus or eligible for on-campus housing.
- Students within the room must all agree to a roommate who also applied for gender inclusive housing.
- If the students in the room do not select another roommate or agree to have an approved applicant to fill the vacancy, Residence Life will move someone into the space based off of the request submitted for GIHE.
- The Office of Residence Life & University Housing reserves the right to consolidate students in gender inclusive housing if necessary.
- Room change request policies and procedures will not change; however, students will have the option to move within gender inclusive and traditional housing, as long as all criteria are met.
I do not want to live with someone who is not of my same gender. What should I do?
If you do not want to live with someone who is not of your same gender, you should not request gender-inclusive housing.
Can significant others live together?
We discourage students of any sexual orientation who are in a dating, romantic or sexual relationship from living together in campus housing. However, out of respect for student privacy, we will not question the student's motives for requesting gender-inclusive housing.